You can also see what other historical society events are going on

Recent “news” posts:
  • Thanks to Nicola Thomson for creating another video, here she talks of the Aland House, and what will happen to it.

  • Our Nicola Thomson helped to create another video, this one tells of the Fisher family.

  • Another video that our Nicola Thomson created telling the story of Andrew Gage.

  • Welcome to the City of Burlington’s second self-guided Heritage Driving Tour. Please refer to one (or both of the documents)

  • Here is a video that our Nicola Thomson created to give a glimpse of the creation of this site.

  • Here is a video of local resident and history enthusiast, Barbara Porecki, telling us how how things are going so far, and future plans. Thank you to Paul Wright for the video.

  • The First Heritage Driving Tour scheduled for August 6th. The Tour Route is now available, and can be seen here, for viewing or downloading.

  • We hope you attend our last meeting before the summer break!

  • Burlington as we know it today is rich in history and modern traditions of many FirstNations and the Metis. From the Anishinaabeg to the Haudenosaunee, and the Metis -our lands spanning from Lake Ontario to the Niagara Escarpment are steeped inlndigenous history. The territory is mutually covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt […]

  • BHS member Nicola Thomson created this video entitled “The True History of Burlington, Ontario by Untold Stories”

  • Longtime Burlington resident David Craig has produced some wonderful short videos using old Burlington photos from the history collection. Check out some of the videos on YouTube.

  • Thanks to a combined effort by the Burlington Historical Society, Heritage Burlington and the City our historic EdwardVII fountain has been refurbished and returned to Civic Square.  Doesn’t it look great?  Restored back to its former glory.

  • Longtime Burlington resident David Craig has produced some wonderful short videos using old Burlington photos from the history collection.Check out the video about Aldershot on YouTube.

  • Longtime Burlington resident David Craig has produced some wonderful short videos using old Burlington photos from the history collection.Check out ‘the Garden of Canada’ on YouTube.

  • Longtime Burlington resident David Craig has produced some wonderful short videos using old Burlington photos from the history collection.Check out the video about Brant Street on YouTube.

  • Longtime Burlington resident David Craig has produced some wonderful short videos using old Burlington photos from the history collection.Check out the promo video about the Brant Inn on YouTube.

  • Longtime Burlington resident David Craig has produced some wonderful short videos using old Burlington photos from the history collection.Check out the video about Port Nelson on YouTube.

  • Dr Robin McLachlan, will be talking to us a bit about the Klondike.

  • Exercise and fresh air is always good, so here are some suggestions to enjoying our city.

  • Our Alan Harrington is planning to do another community/history walk. Come out and learn a bit of Burlington history.

  • Here is a promotional video we made in 2005 for our Brant Inn DVD.

  • We hope everyone all the best for 2021, and hope you enjoy the lights in Spencer Smith Park for one more week.

  • You can give us cash or a cheque at a meeting, or you can do an e-transfer to send us a donation that way as well.

  • The BHS is one of the corporate sponsors for this year’s FOL

  • Following the success of the Walk in Greenwood tour, our intrepid tour guide, Alan Harrington, has agreed to another walking tour – this time the topic is Spencer Smith Park.

  • A great treat! Frank and helpers created a website and podcast retelling his life and the early years of Burlington.

  • Our own Alan Harrington will teach, and entertain you in a stroll through Greenwood Cemetery.

  • The library is doing a survey

  • (medium difficulty)

  • Check out all the details for upcoming Heritage Month events by looking at the flyer

  • [maxgallery name=”spring”] [slide-anything id=”5357″]

  • We hope to see you at some of the events that are going on this month!Our BHS display begins on Friday the 1rst, our own Alan Harrington is doing a downtown walking tour on Saturday the 2nd,and many more events! See the calendar on the Burlington Public Library site

  • BHS member and former A.S. Nicholson employee, Joe Galea, would like your help. 

  • (easy difficulty)

  • 160th Birthday Celebration Beach Canal Lighthouse Group and Hamilton Port Authority invite you to celebrate the completion of the lighthouse and the first lighting of its lantern in 1858. Saturday, October 20th 10am to 4pm Join the party and learn about the Burlington Canal Light Station, the history of the canal and the Port of […]

  • (medium difficulty)

  • We hope people come out and enjoy Freeman Station and some of Burlington’s other fine pieces of history, during Doors Open  

  • Sadly part of Burlington’s past was destroying due to a case of arson.

  • The BHS had a table at the event held on August 12th at Skyway Park, organized by St. Elizabeth’s Anglican Church. Pictured here are BHS members Pat, Joan, and Ed, plus in the middle is Councillor Paul Sharman.  

  • David Davidson, DVD, 2007. A recording of Davidson’s talk at a meeting of The Burlington Historical Society. The Davidson family had a long history of farming in the area of Maple Avenue. Numerous family photos appear on the Burlington Images web site.

  • For some fun, here is a crossword you can print out and try BHS crossword

  • An interesting story about two women that thought things shouldn’t go to waste.

  • Congratulations Joan Downey! Hearty congratulations are in order for our volunteer Archivist Joan Downey on the successful completion (Honours Graduate) of a two year Records and Information Management Course from Mohawk College on May 3, 2016! Quite an accomplishment! For further details on this achievement, please reference the separate article prepared by Peggy Armstrong and […]

  • The Heritage Fair on February 6th at BPL revealed yet another fine example of a couple of members busy at work during that day – Joan Downey and Peggy Armstrong.  Did you get a chance to talk with them on February 6th? Help us Save the Past project – as mentioned at the March General […]

  • The Roseland Community Organization invites you to attend their Roseland Trees of Distinction Walk on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. Burlington Historical Society members are welcome. If you are interested in participating on this tree canopy history walk, please meet at the Roseland Club at 1 p.m.

  •   A Burlington Beach Lighthouse General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Burlington Central Library – Holland Room. Their speaker will be Robin McKee and the topic is “How I spent My Summer Vacation! – A Tour of Lower Lake Huron Lighthouses”.

  • Yes, we’ve gone Social. This gives us an opportunity to reach out to an audience, both in Burlington and beyond, who live with their phones and iPads in their back pockets.  We can send out bite-sized messages about upcoming meetings, newsworthy items, or the arrival of an exciting postcard in the archives.  Our resident expert, […]

  • Dr. Frank Hayden to be inducted into Canadian Sports Hall of Fame. Congratulations to the long-time Burlington resident on this honour. He was one of the founders of the Special Olympics and played an instrumental role in the Special Olympics. Read more about Dr Hayden’s role in the birth of Special Olympics in Canada.

  •   BHS member David Craig, was responsible for creation, photo-restoration and design of the wrap. Dee Signs of Aldershot did the printing and install. Your BHS’s newest initiative is a bit of history on the street. In a continuing series of history photos in Aldershot, the BHS has sponsored a photo wrapped on a traffic […]

  • As we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the founding of Halton County in 1816, Halton Heritage Services created a survey to hear more about the people who live here. We encourage you to participate in the survey

  • The Burlington Historical Society mourns the loss of another faithful supporter and long time member  – Noreen McNairn.  Noreen passed away on July 7, 2016. Noreen filled many roles during her time on our Executive as BHS president from 2005-2006 and Executive Committee Recording Secretary from 2007-2014. As if this wasn’t enough, she also represented […]

  • Vicki Gudgeon passed away on May 13th at age 96.  Vicki was the last surviving founding member and was a past president of the Burlington Historical Society, which was established in 1961. Vicki and her late husband Eric, who was also a past president of our society, shared the same philosophy revolving around what they […]

  • Summer Break Knox Prebysterian Church In early June, Jackie Poppe, a BHS member and a long time member of Knox Presbyterian Church invited the BHS Archives volunteers – Joan Downey, Peggy Armstrong and Patricia Taylor to drop by the church. While there they had a guided tour and met the Rev. Emma Duncan. The purpose […]

  • As you are well aware, we have the finest BHS members and executive.  What you may not know is that one of our own Executive, has recently become famous and a TV star. Tom Bochsler was featured on the AGENDA with Steve Paikin on Monday night April 4th. Here is proof positive that this event […]

  • Proof positive that our BHS Team have been out in our community of late! 1.  Book Fair on November 28th at Milton- ‘manning’ our BHS table are Joan Downey and Patricia Taylor.  They were located in the Waldie Blacksmith Shop – note background. 2.  Heritage Fair on February 6th at BPL Our very own Joan […]

  • Heritage Fair of February 6th at the Burlington Public Library Table Display from February 19 – 25 at the Burlington Public Library Burlington Heritage Group Display on June 4th at the Burlington Mall

  • Speaker Microphone Follow-up:  At our November General Meeting, we made some changes so speakers could be better heard.  If you are still having difficulty hearing the speakers, please see Jane Ann Newson at the January meeting. 2016 Burlington Heritage Fair:  Joan Downey, our representative on this committee up, will date us on planned activities for […]