Do you know where this is?
It looks like something from Mars, but this is from a local paper about something that was from around here.
BHS member and former A.S. Nicholson employee, Joe Galea, would like your help.
This is one of those times where we are looking for information about something, it’s even a mystery to us.
Since it is the time of year for Thanksgiving, I thought I would show you a giant turkey wishbone! Okay maybe not, do you know what and where this is?
If your first guess is a close-up of Lady GaGa’s hair – I’ll say try again
You often see birds in trees, but not like this – or do you… ?
Anyone know what and where this is?
Waves? In Burlington? Anyone know what and where this is?
No, it’s not the Waldie grave marker OR it is a grave marker – kinda…
You don’t have to be in a forest for these trees, but where do you have to be to see them?
Not part of a Hollywood movie-set, where do you think this is?
Telling us they are a bunch of thingamabobs will not be accepted as an answer.
Well the building isn’t there anymore, do you know what it was or where it was?
Were you a member of this group? The year is 1958
Built in 1873 as a private home, in later years it served a public function.
They look like baseball players.
An odd looking building/structure
It’s quite a gathering of kids.
It looks like a nice building
Another old building that seemed like it was built for a purpose
This old building used to have a good purpose
The sign says they want action now.
Seems like it could be any house in Burlington.
One student is up a tree, overall
This looks like a nice statue.
Another picture from yester-year…
They seem focused on what they are doing
Obviously from quite a while ago.
You might have driven by this house before.