The Burlington Historical Society (BHS) is a registered charity, founded in 1899 and has been serving the community for over 50 years as an affiliated member of the Ontario Historical Society.
Our Mission: preserve and share Burlington’s past for the enjoyment and education of the community, making our history accessible and relevant for today while nurturing interest in future generations.
The Archives are the central repository of Burlington’s historical documents dating back to 1780, including photographs, postcards, maps, census reports, and others. Many items have been digitized and are accessible online through the link on our Archives page and we welcome donations to help diversify and complement our existing collection. Managed by our volunteer archivists, we are open to the general public for research and have been instrumental in securing reference material for several publications on local history.
We host speaker presentations at each of our general meetings held eight times a year (January – May and September – November) usually the second Monday of each month – see our website calendar and Gazette to confirm dates. Our guest speakers have a deep knowledge of the field of interest and generously share their passion on a wide variety of topics. Our meetings are very popular and we encourage people to attend – and bring a friend – it’s free.
Our monthly newsletter, the Gazette, that highlights the many outreach activities the BHS is involved including presentations to local organizations, walking tours, research, publications, etc. We also provide updates on heritage happenings initiated by other local groups.

As a charity, we really appreciate any donation you can make. If you are willing to help us you can make an online payment here.